Updated: 3.30 pm - 27/07/2024
Phillip Island Seal Cruise

Departs Cowes Jetty Daily 2pm

Next available cruise:
Monday 29th July

Cape Cruise

Departs San Remo Jetty 10:45am

Next available cruise:
Sunday 28th July

Whale Tail Winter Whale Cruise

Departs Rhyll Jetty.

Next available cruise:
Wednesday 31st july 8:30am

Dolphin & Whale Cruise

Departs San Remo Jetty.

Next available cruise:
Monday 29th July 9am

Wilsons Prom Whale Cruise

Departs Port Welshpool Jetty, 10.30am

Next available cruise:
Friday 23rd August

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Upcoming Cruises

Golden Princess Stop Over

November 19, 2016

The Golden Princess made it stop over on Phillip Island via Tasmania on it way heading back to Melbourne. With thousand of travellers descending into cowes Wildlife Coast Cruises,  Phillip Island Information Centre, Exceptional Phillip Island Area Tours and Phillip Island Nature Park were all there to greet the travellers and help guide them for things to do on Phillip Island.

The perfect weather helped, reflecting all the immerse tourism sights Phillip island has to offer. We look forward to seeing the Golden Princess more in the future and wish all the passengers safe travels!

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