Updated: 3.30 pm - 27/07/2024
Phillip Island Seal Cruise

Departs Cowes Jetty Daily 2pm

Next available cruise:
Monday 29th July

Cape Cruise

Departs San Remo Jetty 10:45am

Next available cruise:
Sunday 28th July

Whale Tail Winter Whale Cruise

Departs Rhyll Jetty.

Next available cruise:
Wednesday 31st july 8:30am

Dolphin & Whale Cruise

Departs San Remo Jetty.

Next available cruise:
Monday 29th July 9am

Wilsons Prom Whale Cruise

Departs Port Welshpool Jetty, 10.30am

Next available cruise:
Friday 23rd August

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Upcoming Cruises

Wildlife Coast Cruises is dedicated to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner and to protect the marine environment. Here are some examples of what we do to help ensure the sustainability of our unique and diverse marine environment and wildlife:

  • Being an accredited advanced eco-tourism company.
  • Following strict operational regulations as stated in our Marine Mammal Permit.
  • Implementing an environmental management plan throughout the business.
  • Using biodegradable sugarcane takeaway cups on all our cruises.
  • Reporting on wildlife entanglements to the Phillip Island Nature Park rangers.
  • Reporting on infringements when boats and/or people interfere with marine wildlife.
  • Employing resident marine biologists to monitor seal behaviour, whale sightings, to assist in wildlife rescues and to work together with local conservation and research groups.
  • Work in partnership with the local Dolphin Research Institute to raise awareness on marine conservation issues.
  • Established the annual Island Whale Festival, in partnership with Destination Phillip Island, Dolphin Research Institute and Phillip Island Nature Parks.
  • Educating passengers on what they can do to help conserve our marine ecosystem!
  • Contributing sightings and fluke ID photos to the Two Bays Whale Project and to DELWP to help understand Humpback and Southern Right whale migration patterns and numbers.


How you can help us to protect our marine wildlife:

  • Reduce waste by bringing your own KeepCup and Water Bottle on our cruises for refills.
  • Pick up litter, especially items on the jetties and beaches. Take 3 for the Sea!
  • Fish wisely, stick to size & bag limits, and don’t leave your tackle behind.
  • Always stay at a safe distance away from seals, dolphins and whales, and never touch or feed them, even if they approach you.
  • Adhere to the marine mammal regulations.

For whales and dolphins:

  • In the “no go zone” recreational boats must not approach within:
    • 100 meters of a dolphin or
    • 200 meters of a whale.
  • Jet skis are not permitted within 300 meters of any whale or dolphin.

Call Wildlife Victoria 1300 094 535 if you see any injured native animals.

Report Whale and dolphin sightings

Image result for two bays whale project